Dinosaurs Writer: Arnaud Plumeri Artist: Bloz Papercutz; $10.99 (each) The interest in and affection for dinosaurs is pretty much universal—regardless of your country of origin, chances are good that you think dinosaurs are awesome. It is therefore no surprise that French creators Arnaud Plumeri and Bloz produced a great series of comic books about dinosaurs—simply […]
Gumby: 50 Shades of Clay Writers: Jeff Whitman, Eric Esquivel, Ray Fawkes, and others Artists: Jolyon Yates, Kyle Baker, Veronica Fish and others Papercutz; $8.99 Boomer era animated icon Gumby has returned to comics for the first time in a decade, and, as per his previous comics engagement, what the stop-motion clay hero loses in […]
I particularly adore when authors (and artists) take a (classic) work and they tear it apart and create something new—but recognizable. There’s Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, countless fractured fairy tales, and this year I read a dystopian version of Peter Pan. So picking up a copy of The Wendy Project was a natural choice […]
Papercutz Publishing has just announced that it is offering 100 copies of Nickelodeon Magazine to librarians who are doing any comics programming. All librarians need to do is e-mail Sven Larsen, VP of Marketing at Papercutz, 6-8 weeks before the event. Librarians need to include a detailed account and are responsible for shipping cost. Larsen […]
On Thursday, May 28th, I was lucky enough to be released from my regular duties as a middle school librarian so I could hop over to the City and spend a day at Book Expo America. I walked up and down the Convention Floor for five hours without a break. I only felt it when […]
On Thursday, May 28th, I was lucky enough to be released from my regular duties as a middle school librarian so I could hop over to the City and spend a day at Book Expo America. The first thing I noticed when walking into the exhibit hall at BEA was that Star Wars was everywhere. […]
The title of this latest original publication by Papercutz might make you think of the Lunch Lady graphic novels, but mark my words: The Lunch Witch bears very little resemblance, though it will be a hit with the kids. The Lunch Witch By Deb Lucke Papercutz, 174 pp. March 2015. ISBN 978-1-6291-162-5 hc $14.99 Recommended […]
Papercutz takes the Power Rangers back to their origins, to the first series that started it all. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers members Jason, Kimberly, Billy, Trina and Zack return in all new adventures to stop the evil deeds of the sorceress Rita Repulsa and her loyal minions with the help of the heroic sage Zordon […]
While scrolling through my twitter feed, I came across a tweet from Papercutz. It was a cross post from Tumblr, reblogging a tumble from author Eric M. Esquivel, announcing he would be launching of a new graphic novel series with Papercutz featuring Rabbids. What are Rabbids you may ask? If you don’t have tweens or […]
When the Scholastic Book Orders came with free Rio2 bookmarks just as my review copy of Papercutz’s Rio arrived in my mailbox, I knew that there was a big movie release on the horizon. Generally, I’m not a fan of movie-tie ins, so I was a bit of a skeptic when I picked this up. […]