Tsuyoshi is a spoiled middle-school boy from a wealthy Japanese family. When his strict grandfather gets tired of Tsuyoshi’s playboy ways, he tells the boy the family’s dark secret–they’re actually Korean! Well, 400 years ago. But that’s enough of a family tie for Tsuyoshi’s grandfather to decide to ship him off to Korea to learn […]
In the first volume of RE:Play, we’re introduced to Cree and Rail, the principal musicians in an up-and-coming band called Faust. When their bass player quits unexpectedly, Cree stumbles across a suitable replacement busking in the street. She invites the scruffy-yet-handsome Iszak to join Faust for a trial period — an invitation that quickly leads […]
Police detective Toyama has been given a tough new undercover assignment: teaching a fifth-grade class! Their teacher was killed under mysterious circumstances and the police believe that the students are in danger as well. Toyama soon discovers that one boy, Makoto, has the ability to see what others cannot and his horrific visions may be […]
Happy New Year! 2009 proved an excellent year for kids’ comics in general and kids’ manga in particular, as our end-of-the-year round-ups attest. (See The Best Comics for Kids 2009 and A Kid’s Best Manga List of 2009, co-authored by my colleague Lori Henderson and her ten-year-old daughter Krissy.) Among last year’s highlights: UDON Kids […]
In a land without a sun, people live in one of three cities: the rich Akatsuki, brightly lit by an artificial star; the middle-class Yuusari, in perpetual twilight; and the poor and dark Yodaka. Traveling between those cities are the Letter Bees, adventurers who deliver letters and packages. Letter Bee Gauche Suede is surprised to […]
After getting abruptly turned down by the boy she has a crush on, Sachiko thinks that nothing else bad can happen to her that day. Imagine her surprise when she finds out that her crush, Akihiko, is now going to be her new stepbrother! And that’s not the only surprise: Akihiko is hiding a different […]
Jae-Gyu is a naïve twenty-year-old whose grandmother is no longer going to tolerate her laziness. When their home in the country is destroyed, her grandmother and mother find a new home in their small town with only room for the two of them. Jae-Gyu is sent to Seoul to live with her older brother. Not […]
Makoto Tateno is best known in the United States as a creator of yaoi, or boys love, manga for women, but she’s also been a shojo manga creator for over 20 years. Recently, Digital Manga Publishing has released two of her shojo titles for teens, so whether teen readers are fantasy/adventure fans (Angelic Runes), or […]
Do you have a teen girl in your library who is obsessed with romance? Does she have a crush on a boy who can’t stand her? Does she try to remain upbeat, even as her young heart is being crushed by rejection? Well, now there are some graphic novels just for them. Yen Press has […]
Welcome to the August edition of Good Manga for Kids! The column has been on hiatus for a few months, as most of this summer’s new kid-friendly releases fell into one of two categories: ongoing series that have already been reviewed at Good Comics for Kids (e.g. The Big Adventures of Majoko, Happy Happy Clover, […]