All ages comics and manga list for 1/21/09
Issues brought up about how Diary of a Wimpy Kid should be classified doesn’t keep it from this list. I’m in agreement with those that say it’s not a graphic novel. Graphic novels must have have pictures integral to the storytelling, not just adding to it. But, like light novels from Japan, I think a book like this can be seen as a transitional form, using words to tell the story, but using pictures just enough to punctuate the words. Other books of note this week; the last issue of Doctor Who Forgotten, the last Volume of Gon, a new Nancy Drew, and Simpson Comics hits 150!
Diary Of A Wimpy Kid HC Vol 3 The Last Straw, $12.95
Land Of Oz Manga Return To Emerald City #2 (of 4), $2.99
Archie New Look Series TP Vol 2 Jughead The Matchmaker, $10.95 ^^AA Pick^^
Betty & Veronica Spectacular #87, $2.25
Jughead #193, $2.25
Jughead And Friends Digest #31, $2.49
Pals N Gals Double Digest #128, $3.69
Simpsons Comics #150, $2.99
Gon Vol 7 (CMX), $5.99 ^^AA Pick^^
Scooby Doo #140, $2.50
Tiny Titans #12, $2.50
Doctor Who Forgotten #6 (Ben Templesmith Regular Cover), $3.99
Marvel Adventures Avengers #32, $2.99
Marvel Adventures Two-In-One #19, $4.99
Bionicle GN Vol 4 Trial By Fire, $7.95
Nancy Drew HC Vol 16 What Goes Up, $12.95
Nancy Drew SC Vol 16 What Goes Up, $7.95
Tales From The Crypt #10, $3.95
Archie New Look Series TP Vol 2 – Updating an old, established comic can sometimes work, and sometimes can’t. Archie took a chance with their iconic characters with their New Look Series, creating some controversy throughout the comic community, by giving the gang a more realistic and modern look. Did it work? You can now see for yourself, with the trade of the second story. Archie, Betty, Veronica and Reggie have tired of Jughead’s "5th wheel" status and decide to find a girl for him, and they may have succeeded! Or have they… It’s interesting what they’ve done, but I can’t say I like some of the new looks. Archie’s sideburns really must go… But, if you have kids who find Archie comics too cartoony, this may be a good book to try.
Gon Volume 7 – I consider Gon to be a borderline AA book. It’s a true all ages title with two levels of storytelling. The obvious top level and the more subtle lower level that adults will be more sensitive to than kids. But, it’s also about a lone dinosaur wandering the world, so kids will be drawn to it. In this last volume, it’s Gon, family style. Gon befriends a mother bird and her babies, and an orangutan and her brood, but his big appetite might cause some trouble. Gon is drawn very realistically and with a lot of detail, so some scenes might be a bit too much for younger readers, but some might not. This title is very much an individualist taste, but one I think is good to let all ages check out and decide for themselves.
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About Lori Henderson
Lori Henderson is a mother of two teenage daughters and an avid reader. She blogs about manga at her personal blog Manga Xanadu as well as contributing and editing for Manga Village. She blogs about all things fandom (mainly Doctor Who) at her other personal blog Fangirl Xanadu. She's been at it so for over 5 years now and counting!
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Jeff Kinney didn’t set out to write a comic with Diary of a Wimpy Kid, or even a novel for kids. His boss at saw potential in the manuscript as a daily online offering, provided Kinney added more pictures. I think I was the first to point out to them that it was being recommended on other sites as an online comic. And thus it gradually crept into the comics column.