Linkfest: Obama’s secret talent
Does presidential hopeful Barack Obama have a hidden talent?
Grandpa bought me all the DC Comic books, and I was the only one who had them, so Barry and Yanto would borrow the books and copy pictures of Batman and Spider-Man out and ask me to judge which was better. Barry was always better than Yanto. Even Yanto always agreed with that. Barry had a great eye.
(Found via The Beat.)
While it is not strictly about children’s comics, Brendan Wright’s insightful post about comics biographies makes some interesting points about the strengths and limitations of the medium and its practitioners. Good stuff! (Via The Comics Reporter.)
At The Hooded Utilitarian, Noah Berlatsky writes what appears at first glance to be a bad review of the Franklin Richards comic Lab Brat, although he keeps having to admit that this or that feature is really pretty good. Plus his wife and kid like it. I would love to write a riposte, but my 8-year-old nephew made off with all my Franklin Richards comics; I can’t seem to keep them in the house when he’s around.
Noah’s son, meanwhile, pays the ultimate kid compliment to another Jeff Parker comic: "I laughed so hard I farted." This leads Noah off into a meditation on superheroes and parodies of superheroes, not all of which are kid stuff.
J.L. Bell writes about the Flight 4 anthology at Oz and Ends and discusses whether it can be called a Young Adult book and why it didn’t do better in the Cybils awards.
Publishers Weekly Comics Week hosts an 8-page preview of the kid-friendly World of Quest. You can read the latest episodes of the webcomic here.
Andrew Wheeler on Aya of Yop City (ComicMix)
Chris Wilson on Nancy Drew: Dress Rehearsal (The Graphic Classroom)
Michael Schofield on Marvel Illustrated: Picture of Dorian Gray (The Graphic Classroom)
Billy Aguiar on vol. 1 of Suihelibe! (Prospero’s Manga)
Greg McElhatton on Classics Illustrated: Through the Looking Glass (Read About Comics)
D.M. Evans on vol. 1 of Vampire Kisses: Blood Relatives (Manga Jouhou)
Filed under: Uncategorized

About Brigid Alverson
Brigid Alverson, the editor of the Good Comics for Kids blog, has been reading comics since she was 4. She has an MFA in printmaking and has worked as a book editor, a newspaper reporter, and assistant to the mayor of a small city. In addition to editing GC4K, she is a regular columnist for SLJ, a contributing editor at ICv2, an editor at Smash Pages, and a writer for Publishers Weekly. Brigid is married to a physicist and has two daughters. She was a judge for the 2012 Eisner Awards.
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Hi Brigid – I just wanted to let you know that I posted a review of Eleanor Davis’s book Stinky here:
(Note: my blog’s banner is probably not kid-friendly, sorry….)
I’ll be posting more reviews of children’s comics in the near future, too.
Hi Sandy! I just read it—good stuff! Stinky was my favorite of the latest crop of Toon books, and my focus group (nieces and nephew) loved it as well.
Yeah, Stinky was definitely my and my son’s favorite too.
Hi Brigid! Thanks for the links. That review of “Lab Brat” was *positive*, with some caveats. Seriously. You’d believe me if you’d seen any of my negative reviews….
Uncovered Photos of Obama’s Secret Seventies Disco Funk Past
I AM SHOCKED!!!!!!!!!!!