The Yarn
April 30, 2019 by J. Caleb Mozzocco
DC's new Zoom line for young readers kicks off with Ridley Pearson and Ile Gonzalez's Super Sons: The Polarshield Project. We spoke to Pearson about how the sons of Superman and Batman came to battle the effects of climate change.
June 14, 2018 by J. Caleb Mozzocco
Last spring, DC Comics released a series of four one-shot crossovers between their own characters Green Lantern, Adam Strange, Booster Gold and The Suicide Squad with some fairly random Hanna-Barbera characters: Space Ghost, The Flintstones, The Banana Splits and Jonny Quest and others. While the major comics publishers are notoriously reticent to discuss sales data, […]
October 31, 2017 by J. Caleb Mozzocco
Super Sons Vol. 1: When I Grow Up… Writer: Peter Tomasi Artists: Jorge Jimenez and Alisson Borges DC Comics; $12.99 Rated T for Teen Damian Wayne, the long-lost son of Batman and the Dark Knight’s sometimes opponent Talia al Ghul, was introduced in 2006. Jonathan Kent, son of Superman and Lois Lane, was introduced in […]
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