The Yarn
January 26, 2017 by J. Caleb Mozzocco
Jedi Academy: A New Class By Jarrett J. Krosoczka Scholastic; $12.99 When it comes to Star Wars, three has always been something of a magic number, with the film franchise conceived as a trilogy of trilogies. It makes sense then that cartoonist Jeffrey Brown would stop at three Jedi Academy books, following his original with […]
February 24, 2014 by Brigid Alverson
Every year, comics retailer Brian Hibbs writes a lengthy and informative article on graphic novel sales, based on BookScan figures for the entire year. He posted this year’s column last week, and while he makes a lot of good points, I want to pick out the one that’s most relevant to this blog: The top […]
October 24, 2013 by J. Caleb Mozzocco
Star Wars: Jedi Academy Written and drawn by Jeffrey Brown Scholastic, $12.99 Cartoonist Jeffrey Brown made a name for himself in the 2000s with a series of self-published black-and-white, highly confessional autobiographical graphic novels, like Clumsy, Unlikely and AEIOU. More recently, Brown has made many more fans with his Darth Vader & Son and Vader’s […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
Heavy Medal
by Steven Engelfried
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