A Fuse #8 Production
September 26, 2011 by Esther Keller
Each year the American Library Association sets one week aside to celebrate the freedom to read which has become known as Banned Books Week. Librarians are often at the forefront of censorship battles. But they are not the only ones affected. Most often it is children and ordinary citizens that suffer when their freedom to read is compromised. This year, just in time for Banned Books Week, First Second Publishers released a graphic novel that grapples with these topics. Originally serialized at Saveapathea.com Americus is now a published graphic novel .
February 4, 2010 by Esther Keller
The 2010 Great Graphic Novels for Teens (GGNT) list was posted in middle of January. After spending 2 years on the committee – I know how much effort and work goes into reading, discussing, and selecting the titles. Even so, it’s still a lot of fun to dissect the “best of” lists when they’re posted. […]
January 7, 2010 by Esther Keller
Recently, after noticing it was nominated for a National Book Award for Young People, I read David Small’s Stitches. While I very much enjoyed this book, I just felt it wasn’t actually written for young people. Some might enjoy it, but this isn’t necessarily a comic that is for kids or teens. Apparently, I wasn’t […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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