Politics in Practice
March 11, 2013 by J. Caleb Mozzocco
Anyone who’s read many of Renée French’s highly-detailed black-and-white comics, like her surreal, dark and disturbing meditation on migraines and ants h day, or perhaps her off-kilter family melodrama about deformity and surgery The Ticking, may be a little surprised to hear her name in the same sentence as the words “kids comic.” But then, […]
February 19, 2013 by Brigid Alverson
Renee French is well known among adult fans of indy graphic novels for her surrealistic artwork in H Day and The Ticking, but she also writes and illustrates children’s books under her pen name, Rainy Dohaney. Next month, Toon Books will publish her graphic novel Barry’s Best Buddy, a silly story about two friends, and […]
August 7, 2012 by Katherine Dacey
ICv2 reports that July 2012 comic book sales were robust, up 22% over the same time last year. Graphic novel sales were also strong, too, with a 16% increase from July 2011. Although this summer’s crop of superhero movies may have sparked a few sales, the bump can be attributed, in part, to the release […]
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