Teen Librarian Toolbox
June 11, 2020 by Lori Henderson
The popular JRPG video game gets a manga adaptation that allows non-players to enjoy the characters and story.
July 20, 2016 by Lori Henderson
Over the Fourth of July weekend, Anime and Manga fans converged on the Los Angeles Convention Center for the 24th annual Anime Expo. While anime has been the focus of the convention, in recent years manga publishers have been coming to the more specialized event to announce their new licenses. This year, five manga publishers […]
October 21, 2015 by Lori Henderson
It is 2036, and it’s Presidential Election time! The political parties are lining up their candidates, and the corporations are throwing their money behind the ones they think they can best control. But with internet personalities to appease, and voting now allowed via Twitter, electing your man president isn’t in the bag anymore, especially when […]
October 1, 2015 by Lori Henderson
A powerful being with the head of a smiley face and an unknown number of tentacles blasts a hole in the moon and says he’ll do the same to the earth if humanity doesn’t stop him first. He makes a deal with the world’s leaders to become the teacher of Class 3-E from Kunugigaoka Junior […]
August 28, 2014 by Mike Pawuk
Zombillenium, Vol. 2: Human Resources Written and Illustrated by Arthur de Pins NBM Publishing, 2014 ISBN 978-1-56163-850-5 $14.95 When you build a horror-themed amusement park in a region where there’s double digit unemployment and you only hire the monstrous living dead (and one witch) as your employees, there’s bound to be some friction with the […]
June 17, 2014 by Lori Henderson
In a previous post I wrote about the Manga Classics Readers from One Peace Books, titles adapted in Japan and brought over here. Well, another publisher, Udon Entertainment, in association with Morpheus Publishing Limited, has created a new line called Manga Classics. The line will adapt literary classics so faithfully that they “will please even […]
March 27, 2014 by Lori Henderson
Ten centuries have passed since the Earth and its solar system was destroyed by the Gauna, a massive, nearly indestructible, yet barely sentient life form. Mankind escaped out into space, in massive seed ships that carry the remnants of humanity who search for a new planet to call home, without the threat of the Gauna […]
February 25, 2014 by Lori Henderson
Viz Media has been working to be able to provide titles for every age and interest. Lately, they’ve debuts titles for kids, tweens, teens and older teens that would look good on any graphic novel collection shelf. For the kids, check out Uglydoll: EAT DAT!, out from Viz’s imprint Perfect Square. It features 18 food-inspired […]
January 6, 2014 by Lori Henderson
Coming in late to a series can have its advantages. My kids were telling me that when Cascade, the final flash that closes out Act 5, came out, they couldn’t watch it immediately. So many people wanted to watch it, and it was so big—it’s 12 minutes long—that the site kept crashing. Hussie eventually had […]
Teen Librarian Toolbox
by Amanda MacGregor
A Fuse #8 Production
by Betsy Bird
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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