Politics in Practice
July 13, 2016 by J. Caleb Mozzocco
Birdsong Writer/artist: James Sturm Toon Books; $12.95 Level One Cartoonist James Sturm’s contribution to Toon Books’ line of comics for kids of all ages is, in fact, not a comic book at all. It is related to the medium though, and is Sturm’s attempt to introduce young readers to the Japanese “paper theater,” an important […]
January 27, 2016 by Esther Keller
While much of the East Coast is buried under mounds of snow, it’s heartening to look forward to spring, when it should all be melted away. TOON Books has announced their spring line-up of titles, and there are five new releases that readers will want to see! Two of the titles fall under their TOON […]
June 10, 2014 by Brigid Alverson
James Sturm, Andrew Arnold, and Alexis Frederick-Frost, the creative trio behind Adventures in Cartooning and its sequels, got kids excited about drawing comics, and now they have a new book that goes in a different direction: Sleepless Knight, which will be out later this year, is a story comic, not an instructional book, in which […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
Heavy Medal
by Steven Engelfried
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