Heavy Medal
April 3, 2023 by Johanna
Here's a look at some recently signed graphic novel deals—and what we can expect in the next few years!
March 9, 2022 by Johanna
All My Friends concludes the Eagle Rock trilogy that began in All Summer Long and continued in All Together Now.
September 9, 2021 by Johanna
All Together Now, the sequel to All Summer Long, tackles some big questions about creativity and relatioships.
August 23, 2018 by Esther Keller
In late June, the conversation in the I.S. 278 Library (aside from… is your library account clear? And what will you read over the summer?) surrounded summer plans. The plans varied. Some kids had vacation plans with family or summer camp. Others though said they were just hanging out, much like Bina in Hope Larson’s […]
August 22, 2017 by Esther Keller
After reading volume 1 of the Four Points series, I was left hanging. So were my students. One student, Albert* (Name changed), asked me when volume 2 was coming out. I told him the wait was a while, and he asked me to let the author and artist know that he was willing to help […]
June 27, 2017 by J. Caleb Mozzocco
When the graphic novel Knife’s Edge is released this month, 12-year-old twin adventurers Cleopatra and Alexander Dodge will find their adventures at an end—at least for now. Will they find the treasure that is their inheritance? Will they manage to escape the dread pirate Felix Worley? Will Cleo ever kiss another boy? Will they ever […]
June 26, 2017 by J. Caleb Mozzocco
Writer Hope Larson and artist Rebecca Mock’s 19th century pirate adventure saga concludes this month with the release of Knife’s Edge, the sequel to their 2016 Compass South. That their story is a duology is appropriate, as their protagonists are also two in number: Twelve-year-old twins Cleopatra and Alexander Dodge. In the first book, the […]
October 3, 2013 by Eva Volin
On May 10th through 12th, while attending the Toronto Comic Arts Festival, I ran around to as many of my favorite kids comics creators as I could and asked them all the exact same questions. Keep in mind, exhibit halls are crazy loud and crazy busy (even when they’re held in a library), so there […]
Teen Librarian Toolbox
by Amanda MacGregor
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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