100 Scope Notes
January 6, 2014 by Lori Henderson
Coming in late to a series can have its advantages. My kids were telling me that when Cascade, the final flash that closes out Act 5, came out, they couldn’t watch it immediately. So many people wanted to watch it, and it was so big—it’s 12 minutes long—that the site kept crashing. Hussie eventually had […]
September 9, 2013 by Lori Henderson
I know it’s been awhile since my last post. But Act 5 Act 2 of Homestuck is a very long Act. It is filled with over a year of updates, so trying to summarize all that seemed overwhelming. Finding a good break in this act was just as overwhelming, because everything just flows together, and […]
February 25, 2013 by Lori Henderson
Well, this is it. The infamous Act 5. I call it infamous, because any search on the web for Homestuck will inevitably lead to some comment about skipping Acts 1-4 because they are boring, and going straight to Act 5. Of course you can do this. My youngest started with Act 5 but eventually went […]
January 22, 2013 by Lori Henderson
As I was working on my posts for Act 3, my youngest daughter came up to me and said “Did you know you’re on the Homestuck Wiki?” I responded with a no, and asked how she knew. She said her sister told her. So I asked my oldest daughter how she found out. She told […]
December 11, 2012 by Lori Henderson
Webster’s Dictionary defines an intermission as “an interval between the parts of an entertainment (as the acts of a play).” In Homestuck, an intermission is another act that doesn’t feature the main kids. Even though there have been short animations between Acts 1 & 2, and 2 & 3, this is the first actual intermission. […]
November 28, 2012 by Lori Henderson
Some of you out there may be wondering why Homestuck should get so much attention. It’s just a webcomic some kids read, right? Let me put it this way. In September, creator Andrew Hussie created a Kickstarter project, a crowd-sourcing funding site, to make a video game of Homestuck. He wanted to get $700,000 in […]
October 9, 2012 by Lori Henderson
When I told my daughters I was going to read Homestuck, they both gave me this look and asked “Why?” Being used to my unusual reading habits, they just shrugged and moved on. When my oldest daughter told her friends I was reading Homestuck, they gave her that same look and asked “Why?” Apparently Homestuck […]
September 11, 2012 by Lori Henderson
If you have a teenage that goes online, or if you interact with one, you may have heard such terms from them as “MS Paint Adventures,” “Hussie,” “Trolls,” or “Homestuck.” They may have started to show an interest in horoscopes or have images of zodiac signs or people with horns on their computer screen. Most […]
100 Scope Notes
by Travis Jonker
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
Teen Librarian Toolbox
by Karen Jensen, MLS
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