The Yarn
June 7, 2012 by Eva Volin
I’ve been reading hybrids for years now: Frankie Pickle, Wimpy Kid, Popularity Papers, you name it, I’ve read or read about it. But this is the first time I’ve really been intrigued by one. The Year of the Beasts, is prose written by Cecil Castellucci and comics written and drawn by Nate Powell. You can […]
May 31, 2012 by Eva Volin
Hey! Hey, librarians! Hey, librarians who collect comics and graphic novels for your libraries! YEAH, YOU! Did you know that as one of the “graphic novel librarians” you are considered an industry professional and can vote for the Eisner Awards? I know, right? How cool is that?!? Here’s the scoop straight from the San Diego […]
May 10, 2012 by Eva Volin
Teen Boat!, the new book by John Green and Dave Roman, launched (Get it? Teen Boat!? Launched? Yeah, okay, never mind.) Saturday at TCAF, where I convinced John to give me his elevator pitch: Why Teens Should Read His New Book. Teen Boat! Written by Dave Roman Illustrated by John Green Clarion Books, May 2012 […]
Teen Librarian Toolbox
by Amanda MacGregor
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