100 Scope Notes
January 8, 2015 by Esther Keller
It feels like just last year that the Cybils Award was first announced, but time flies: This week the shortlist for sixth annual Cybils Awards was released. The Cybils are an award given out by bloggers for the best children and young adult literature titles. In her post describing the process, Anne Boles Levy discusses […]
January 7, 2014 by Brigid Alverson
The shortlists have been released for the 2013 Cybils (the Children and Young Adult Bloggers Literary Awards), and they should look awfully familiar to our readers—many of the nominated books in the Elementary and Middle Grade category made our list of the best graphic novels of 2013, and Hereville: How Mirka Met a Meteorite made […]
February 18, 2013 by Brigid Alverson
The winners of the Cybils (Children’s and Young Adult Bloggers’ Literary Awards—should’t that be the CYABLAs?) were announced last week, and although there are only two graphic novel categories, three graphic novels took the honors. The award-winners are… A Trip to the Bottom of the World with Mouse, by Frank Viva (Toon Books) This was […]
January 3, 2012 by Brigid Alverson
The finalists for the Cybils—the Children’s and Young Adult Bloggers’ Literary Awards—are up, and here are the nominations in the graphic novels categories: Elementary/Middle Grade Hereville: How Mirka Got Her Sword, by Barry Deutsch Nursery Rhyme Comics: 50 Timeless Rhymes from 50 Celebrated Cartoonists, by various authors Sidekicks, by Dan Santat Wonderstruck, by Brian Selznick […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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