Heavy Medal
August 27, 2015 by Esther Keller
Craig Thompson is most noted for his award winning titles Blankets and Habibi. In a departure from his adult titles, Thompson has ventured into the world of comics for kids in this excellent futuristic space adventure. Space Dumplins By Craig Thompson. Graphix. August 2015. ISBN 9780545565417 HC, $24.99. 320pp. Grades 4 and up Violet loves […]
February 2, 2015 by Brigid Alverson
Scholastic celebrated the 10th anniversary of its graphic novel imprint Graphix last week with a raft of announcements that should make fans of their existing books happy: New titles from Raina Telgemeier, Kazu Kibuishi, and Mike Maihack, plus the news that they have added not only Craig Thompson (Blankets) but also the brother-sister team of […]
August 15, 2013 by Michael May
Fairy Tale Comics By Graham Annable, Emily Carroll, Gigi D.G., Vanessa Davis, Chris Duffy, Ramona Fradon, Charise Mericle Harper, Brett Helquist, Gilbert Hernandez, Jaime Hernandez, Karl Kerschl, Joseph Lambert, Bobby London, David Mazzucchelli, Luke Pearson, Jillian Tamaki, Raina Telgemeier, and Craig Thompson Edited by Chris Duffy First Second One of the wonderful things about fairy […]
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