Heavy Medal
June 19, 2013 by Mike Pawuk
I’m chatting today with Edith Donnell, the Youth/Teen Librarian for the Chelsea District Library. For the last five years she has been one of the driving forces behind the all-ages Kids Read Comics event, which is held at the Ann Arbor District Library – 343 S 5th Avenue in Ann Arbor, Michigan. This year the […]
April 21, 2013 by Lori Henderson
Over the last weekend in March, WonderCon, a smaller brother to San Diego Comic Con, took place in Anaheim, California. Being local to the area, my family and I attended the three day convention. We are veteran comic convention attendees, having attended San Diego Comic Con for most of the 00s. We stopped going when […]
March 28, 2013 by Lori Henderson
This weekend WonderCon, a mostly comic convention run by the same folks who run San Diego Comic Con, will be held again at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, CA. If you’ll be attending this year, and are interested in finding out more about what’s available in kids comics up to Tween, or panels that […]
May 13, 2011 by Robin Brenner
Over the weekend I, along with fellow Good Comics for Kids contributor Eva Volin, attended the Toronto Comic Arts Festival (aka TCAF) in Toronto. As Eva mentioned in her anticipatory post, TCAF had been a biennial occurrence until last year when the organizers took a leap and made it an annual event. I attended last […]
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