Politics in Practice
October 2, 2014 by J. Caleb Mozzocco
Ghost of The Grotto By Carl Barks Fantagraphics; $12.99 It seems almost silly to call this new Fantagraphics collection of Carl Barks’ Donald Duck comics, the first in a new format, a kid-friendly collection, if only because that implies that somehow the previous Barks books weren’t also kid-friendly. And all of Fanta’s duck comics collections […]
July 1, 2014 by J. Caleb Mozzocco
Walt Disney’s Donald Duck: Trail of the Unicorn By Carl Barks Fantagraphics Books; $29.99 According to story notes provided to Ken Parille in the back of the latest volumes of Fantagraphics’ Carl Barks library, the eminent and influential cartoonist was no fan of superhero comics. Perhaps he found them too simplistic, and the drawing of […]
December 23, 2013 by J. Caleb Mozzocco
Walt Disney’s Donald Duck: Christmas On Bear Mountain By Carl Barks Fantgraphics Books, $28.99 Few things say “Christmas” like an installment of Fantagraphics’ Carl Barks Library, featuring a generous slice of The Good Duck Artist’s practically unparalleled cartooning. That’s partly because Barks’s Disney comics were and are enormously well crafted and equally enormously entertaining, timeless […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
Heavy Medal
by Steven Engelfried
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