100 Scope Notes
January 17, 2023 by Johanna
Here's a look at the latest graphic novel deals.
March 5, 2019 by Esther Keller
Some quick reviews of spring releases.
April 19, 2018 by Johanna
This set of four hardcover storybooks makes up a new series in which the famous caped crimefighters use forensic investigation techniques to solve crimes. It’s a clever way to encourage scientific thinking and understanding the real-life background behind superhero adventures. The Felon’s Fowl Flames: Batman & Robin Use Fire Investigation to Crack the Case The […]
May 5, 2016 by Esther Keller
Kean Soo is well known for his contributions to the Flight Anthologies, but for me, his most well-known work is his wonderful comic Jellaby, which was originally published by Hyperion, and then later reprinted by Capstone/Stone Arch books. But luckily his partnership with Capstone didn’t end with reprinting his out of print titles. Instead they […]
June 2, 2015 by Esther Keller
On Thursday, May 28th, I was lucky enough to be released from my regular duties as a middle school librarian so I could hop over to the City and spend a day at Book Expo America. I walked up and down the Convention Floor for five hours without a break. I only felt it when […]
August 19, 2014 by Brigid Alverson
Volcanoes! Earthquakes! Written by Renée Gray-Wilburn Illustrated by Aleksandar Sotirovski Capstone Press These two hardback graphic novels, part of Capstone’s First Graphics: Wild Earth series, do a nice job of explaining basic earth science for young readers (the books have a reading level of K-3). Each book is divided into three chapters. The first is […]
March 19, 2014 by J. Caleb Mozzocco
Jellaby: The Lost Monster By Kean Soo Capstone; $12.95 Cartoonist Kean Soo’s big, purple, vaguely quotation mark-shaped monster returns in a new edition of the 2008 graphic novel, ready and waiting for new grade-schoolers to discover him—along with any older readers who might have missed the book the first time around. Soo’s Jellaby began life […]
August 12, 2013 by Brigid Alverson
Abrams has revealed the cover of the latest Wimpy Kid book, Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Hard Luck. It’s going to be a sort of electric green. Hit the link to see a very short trailer and download your own Wimpy Kid computer wallpaper. This is the eighth book in the series, for those who […]
June 3, 2013 by Esther Keller
Dragging bags and bags of “goodies–” I mean books– around the Javits Center all day (in the first heat wave of the season no less!), probably means I’ll wake up with a charlie horse in the morning. I walked around the convention hall, concentrating on children’s book publishers, hoping to notice some sort of trend […]
April 29, 2013 by J. Caleb Mozzocco
Superman Adventures: Men of Steel By Paul Dini, Rick Burchett and Terry Austin Superman Adventures: Distant Thunder By Scott McCloud, Rick Burchett and Terry Austin Captson/Stone Arch; $15.95 In looking for DC back issues to mine for hardcover reprints, Capstone stuck a particularly rich vein in Superman Adventures, the 1996-2002 series based on the […]
A Fuse #8 Production
by Betsy Bird
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