Heavy Medal
March 19, 2019 by Esther Keller
Lois Lowry's award-winning YA novel The Giver has now been adapted into a graphic novel.
March 14, 2019 by Esther Keller
This faithful adaptation of 'To Kill a Mockingbird' is an excellent companion to the original novel.
November 25, 2014 by Lori Henderson
Getting young people to read classic literature can be hard enough when it’s required. Double that if you want them to do it for pleasure. Often there needs to be something new or different to draw them into even picking the book up. Udon Entertainment may have found just the thing: In their new line […]
January 15, 2014 by Lori Henderson
One Peace Books is a relatively new publisher dedicated to bringing “contemporary and unseen Japanese literature to the western world.” Their catalog is still rather modest, and it features titles from a variety of genres as well as manga. Among these is a series called the Manga Classic Readers. They are classic novels, so far […]
December 2, 2013 by Lori Henderson
Meg Murray is having a difficult time accepting that her father, who hasn’t been heard from in months, may not be coming back. An encounter one stormy night with the strange old woman, Mrs. Whatsit, becomes the beginning of an amazing journey for Meg, her little brother Charles Wallace, and her classmate Calvin O’Keefe, as […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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