Welcome to the first installment of Good Manga for Kids! Each month I’ll be highlighting three or four new titles for eight-to-twelve-year-old manga fans. Though my reviews will cover the basics—plot, characters, overall quality—I’ll also address issues of special concern to parents and librarians, noting any objectionable content and identifying the most likely audience for […]
Sugar Princess, despite it’s girlish title and subject, is a title that deserves it’s “All Ages” rating. Though, I think a “G” (General Audiences) may be a better rating, as this book has the ability to appeal to everyone; old and young, male and female. It’s a short story, only lasting 2 volumes, but is […]
Visit the graphic novel aisle at Borders or Barnes and Noble, and you’ll realize that there are plenty of manga for teens and adults, but almost none for younger readers. The few companies licensing all-ages titles generally favor established franchises like Pokemon and Disney’s Kingdom Hearts, on the assumption that TV shows, video games, and […]