Given the poor state of the economy, it’s hardly surprising that the mood on the convention floor was a little subdued yesterday. No where was this more evident than in the manga sector. Two years ago, at the height of the so-called "manga bubble," all of the major publishers had booths, announced new licenses, sponsored […]
It’s the trades/manga turn to dominate this week. IDW has a title for the little ones with Tiger in a Pink Hat. DC collects their Tiny Titans into a trade for easy reading and stocking. Image makes a rare appearance with Missing the Boat, and Kid Beowulf from Bowler Hat returns for another printing. But […]
New York Comic Con is taking place this weekend at the Javits Center in New York, and I’m pleased to say that fully half the Good Comics for Kids contingent will be there. If you will be at the con on Friday morning, please drop in on the panel "Newsflash: Teen Girls Read Comics!" at […]
It’s the end of the month, therefore that means a small list this week. And it’s smaller than even the usual, so I’m dropping my picks to one debut title. You’ll notice Ultimate Spiderman has made the list. Marvel has this rated as a Tween book, so it meets my criteria for making this list, […]
Christopher Mautner talks to Mark Siegel, editorial director of First Second Books, the publisher of Life Sucks, Kaput and Zosky, Tiny Tyrant, and many other teen and all ages titles.
At Graphic Novel Reporter, John Hogan leads a great discussion of graphic novels in libraries with several librarians, including our own Eva Volin. Precocious Curmudgeon David Welsh blogs his thoughts on the YALSA Great Graphic Novels for Teens lists. And he notes an omission. Why is Jeff Smith’s art so good? Consequentialart’s Sequential Art Class […]
During the American Library Association‘s Midwinter Meeting, hardworking librarians met to finalize booklists that they had been working on all year. Many readers know about the ever popular/ever discussed Great Graphic Novels for Teens list, administered by the Young Adult Library Services Association, but what graphic novels (and books of interest to graphic novel readers) […]
Sugar Princess, despite it’s girlish title and subject, is a title that deserves it’s “All Ages” rating. Though, I think a “G” (General Audiences) may be a better rating, as this book has the ability to appeal to everyone; old and young, male and female. It’s a short story, only lasting 2 volumes, but is […]
The Young Adult Library Services Association released their Great Graphic Novels for Teens list yesterday, along with their top ten picks. Here are the lists: Top Ten Life Sucks, by Jessica Abel (First Second) Sand Chronicles, vols. 1-3, by Hinako Ashihara (Viz) Atomic Robo: Atomic Robo and the Fightin’ Scientists of Tesladyne by Brian Clevinger […]
The big news out of the ALA literary awards was that Neil Gaiman’s The Graveyard Book took the Newbery medal, but there was also a graphic novel in the bunch: Eleanor Davis’ Stinky, my favorite of the Toon books, was a runner-up for the Theodor Seuss Geisel award for best book for beginning readers. Haven’t […]