This is the third part of my review of Yen+ magazine, the August through December 2008 volumes. In part one I introduced the magazine and reviewed the two American titles, Nightschool by Svetlana Chmakova and Maximum Ride by James Patterson and NaRae Lee. In part two I reviewed the four Korean comics and here in […]
This is the second part of my review of Yen+ magazine, the August through December 2008 volumes. In part one I introduced the magazine and reviewed the two American titles, Nightschool by Svetlana Chmakova and Maximum Ride by James Patterson and NaRae Lee. Here in part two I’m reviewing the four Korean titles and in […]
My library currently subscribes to the same two manga magazines that most other libraries probably subscribe to: Shonen Jump and Shojo Beat. While both are great magazines and terrifically popular with my teens, I’m always on the lookout for new manga mangazines to add to the collection. When Yen Press announced its intention to begin […]
As Brigid reported earlier, day two of NY Comic-Con was sold out, which meant big crowds and boisterous audiences at every panel I attended. This year’s crowd looked a little different than previous years’; though there were the usual assortment of thirty-something tights-and-capes fans and sci-fi aficionados, I noticed more families, more librarians, and more […]
The big news at NYCC is that Yen Press has picked up the license for the charming all ages manga Yotsuba&!, starting with volume 6. ADV Manga had been publishing the series but hasn’t put out a new volume in a year, to the dismay of many fans. Yotsuba&!, which actually ran in a men’s […]
Given the poor state of the economy, it’s hardly surprising that the mood on the convention floor was a little subdued yesterday. No where was this more evident than in the manga sector. Two years ago, at the height of the so-called "manga bubble," all of the major publishers had booths, announced new licenses, sponsored […]
It’s the trades/manga turn to dominate this week. IDW has a title for the little ones with Tiger in a Pink Hat. DC collects their Tiny Titans into a trade for easy reading and stocking. Image makes a rare appearance with Missing the Boat, and Kid Beowulf from Bowler Hat returns for another printing. But […]
New York Comic Con is taking place this weekend at the Javits Center in New York, and I’m pleased to say that fully half the Good Comics for Kids contingent will be there. If you will be at the con on Friday morning, please drop in on the panel "Newsflash: Teen Girls Read Comics!" at […]
It’s the end of the month, therefore that means a small list this week. And it’s smaller than even the usual, so I’m dropping my picks to one debut title. You’ll notice Ultimate Spiderman has made the list. Marvel has this rated as a Tween book, so it meets my criteria for making this list, […]
Christopher Mautner talks to Mark Siegel, editorial director of First Second Books, the publisher of Life Sucks, Kaput and Zosky, Tiny Tyrant, and many other teen and all ages titles.