Anne Frank's Diary is just one person's account of the Holocaust, but it's an account that many people can relate to.
Action Presidents #1: George Washington! Action Presidents #2: Abraham Lincoln! Written by Fred Van Lente, illustrated by Ryan Dunlavey HarperCollins, $9.99 each Ages 8-12 The team behind Action Philosophers! have returned with an entertaining look at key men and events in American history, beginning with the two most famous Presidents. The attitude behind the series […]
If you’re a New Yorker, the Brooklyn Bridge is a majestic sight that regularly comes into view. It has made its appearance in fiction (for instance, in The Alienist by Caleb Carr, which was recently adapted for TV). For me, as a New Yorker, the bridge carries lots of good memories, like the huge fireworks […]
Though it’s been a very long time since I’ve been in school, I don’t think I’m stretching things by saying that World War I is rushed through in history class. That’s one of the reasons I so enjoyed Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales. Treaties, Trenches, Mud and Blood. I basically learned that there was a huge […]
Back in December, when I ran my Book Fair, I was surprised this unobtrusive paperback by Jennifer A. Nielsen become an instant best seller. You see, A Night Divided, had the best possible sales rep—an excited and enthusiastic reader. One of the students had already read the book, and he practically sold a copy to […]
Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales books are a cheeky take on American history, but they are also sophisticated graphic storytelling that help bring the events to life in ways that simple prose could not. His latest book, The Donner Dinner Party, takes on a subject that has horrified and fascinated the public since it happened and […]
Mankind: The Story of All of Us is an ambitious 12-part TV series that looks at all of human civilization, starting from the beginnings of agriculture to the discovery of America. This graphic novel is a supplement to the program and features seven short stories covering from prehistoric times to the Crusades. It touches on […]
Isabel “Izzy” Soto is a historian and an anthropologist. Through a discovery she made, and with the help of super scientist Max Axiom, she is able to travel through time and space to see historical people and study cultures first hand. She goes on adventures, looking at the history of global warming and the Bermuda […]