Check out the list of new comics, manga, and graphic novels for readers 12 and under, featuring Hilda and Twig Hide From the Rain from Nobrow - Flying Eye Books and Last Kids on Earth Volume 1 Graphic Novel from Viking Books for Young Readers.
Check out this week's list of new comics, manga, and graphic novels for readers 12 and under, featuring Amelia Aierwood: Basic Witch from Z2 Comics and The Firelight Apprentice from Quill Tree Books.
Check out this week's list of new comics, manga, and graphic novels featuring Swing from Feiwel and Friends and Science Comics Human Spaceflight Rockets and Rivalry from First Second Books.
Check out this week's list of new comics, manga, and graphic novels for readers 12 and under featuring Detective Beans and the Case of the Missing Hat from Andrews McMeel and Sidekicks from Graphix.
Check out this week's list of new comics, manga, and graphic novels for readers 12 and under, featuring The Night Mother Volume 1 from Oni Press and Monster Locker from First Second Books.
Check out this week's list of new comics, manga, and graphic novels featuring Great Turkey Walk from Helvetiq and Wingbearer Saga Volume 2 Wingborn from Quill Tree Books.
Check out this week's list of new comics, manga, and graphic novels for readers 12 and under, featuring Evelyn and Avery: The Art of Friendship from Clarion Books and Heebie Jeebies from Papercutz.
Check out this week's list of new comics, manga, and graphic novels for readers 12 and under, featuring Good as Goldie: A Breaking Cat News Adventure from Andrews McMeel and Dex Dingo: World's Best Greatest Inventor from Disney Hyperion.
Check out this week's list of new comics, manga, and graphic novels for readers 12 and under, featuring Uprooted: A Memoir About What Happens When Your Family Moves Back, from Roaring Brook Press, and Shock City, from Viking Books for Young Readers.
Check out this week's list of new comics, manga, and graphic novels for readers 12-and-under featuring Taxi Ghost from Random House Graphic and Hearing Things from Toon Books.