The ragtag group of friends from Christine Larsen's Orcs is back for more antics in a new series - and we've got the exclusive first look!
Heads up! Today we have an exclusive preview of Hollow, a modern riff on The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by the co-creator of Lumberjanes.
Two unstoppable mass-media franchises reunite in in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, conquering one more bit of pop culture: The inter-company comic book crossover
The girls have just rounded up a truckload of giant clams, Jan has been left in charge of the camp, and Ripley's starting to wonder what her friends really think of her in this preview of 'Lumberjanes: True Colors.'
The sequel to 'Bolivar' is a puzzle book in which a young girl goes on a culinary tour of New York City with the dinosaur who lives next door.
Though I read these volumes out of order, I really enjoyed the stories. This series is quite different than my “normal” reading, but I’m always thrilled when I can enjoy a title that will be a perfect fit for the boys who come to the library. (And girls too… But this will be an easy sell to the boys.)
BOOM! Studios resurrects and collects the stories from the old Dell comic books--some by Charles Schulz himself, most of them not--for a new audience in this unlikely addition to the ever-growing Peanuts library.
A mixed group tries to form a sports team at an all-female drama college.
Two apprentice veterinarians for magical creatures work to protect their patients when left in charge of the office.
The Lumberjanes go for their orienteering badges—and are kidnapped by robot butlers.