Elvis Puffs Out | Review

Elvis Puffs Out: A Breaking Cat News Adventure
By Georgia Dunn
All Ages
Andrew McMeel Publishing, October 2020
ISBN: 9781524858193
171 pgs., $11.99
In Elvis Puffs Out, the cats of Breaking Cat News are back with reports of more news stories important to cats. This fourth volume takes readers from winter to summer, hitting St. Patrick’s Day as the holiday, and introducing more animals to the cast.
The volume kicks off with the introduction of Beatrix, a polydactyl kitten who was stuck out in the snow. She wins the hearts of our three reporters, with grumpy Elvis watching over her. She is full of energy, a great climber, and even wins over Tabitha, the alpha female cat from upstairs. Other new animals we are introduced to include Trevor the dog who lives with the owner of the local bookstore, Baba Mouse, an old barn cat who lives at Quinn Farms, and Wicket, an old barn owl who was a suitor to Baba Mouse.
Following the same format as the previous volume, there are several short strips as well as some few longer ones. Beatrix is the focus of the volume, as we see her introduced, meet everyone, and join the CN crew as an intern before becoming the Bookstore Correspondent when she is adopted by the owner of the bookstore. The other extended story is a play on the poem The Owl and the Pussycat as Wicket and Baba Mouse reveal their history. The robber mice return as well, as Wicket’s return was foretold by the Golden Mouse.
There are some great short stories too. The freeze fight between Puck and Elvis is fun. And a warm night is spent with the peep frogs singing and dancing with the mice while Baba Mouse plays the fiddle. My laugh out loud story though is when Elvis falls asleep with his eyes open. I still laugh when I read it.

The humans make some good appearances too. I loved it when Tommy and his owner, who helps with a cat rescue, come over to check out Beatrix when she first arrives. Tommy’s owner is just as upbeat and happy as he is. The toddler begins potty training while the baby turns one. And the woman’s solution when Elvis becomes extra needy is just hilarious.
This series is just so much fun, and gives off such feel-good-feelings, it really isn’t a series to be missed. Dunn puts great details in the background and the bumper images between stories. She starts the Owl and Pussycat story with a cute bumper with Puck that follows through the story and becomes an important element at the end. And what makes it so much fun is that you don’t notice it at first, and only pops out on re-reads. And this is a book that is totally worth the re-reads.
Breaking Cat News continues to be a great series with fun and funny characters that have so much heart. They are the friends you want to keep coming to visit, because just seeing them lifts you up. Definitely lift this volume up into your bookshelf.
Filed under: Reviews

About Lori Henderson
Lori Henderson is a mother of two teenage daughters and an avid reader. She blogs about manga at her personal blog Manga Xanadu as well as contributing and editing for Manga Village. She blogs about all things fandom (mainly Doctor Who) at her other personal blog Fangirl Xanadu. She's been at it so for over 5 years now and counting!
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