This Week’s Comics: Licensed Love
Licensed comics abound in the new releases this week. Continue your favorite cartoon adventures with Jem and the Holograms #14 from IDW Publishing or the final issue of BOOM! Studios’ Adventure Time Ice King. Video games more your speed? Plants Vs Zombies from Dark Horse Comics starts the “Boom Boom Mushroom” arc with issue #10, or jump in the TARDIS with the Doctor and his companions in Doctor Who The Eleventh Doctor Year 2 and The Fourth Doctor from Titan Comics. And there are even more in the picks, so check them out.
The List:
Actionverse #2 (Of 6)(Featuring Molly Danger)(Cover A Jamal Igle), $3.99
Actionverse #2 (Of 6)(Featuring Molly Danger)(Cover B Ron Frenz), $4.99
Princeless Raven The Pirate Princess #7 (Cover A Rosy Higgins & Ted Brandt), $3.99
Princeless Raven The Pirate Princess #7 (Cover B Rosy Higgins & Ted Brandt), $4.99
Simpsons Comics #228, $3.99
Adventure Time Ice King #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Shelli Paroline & Braden Lamb), $3.99
Adventure Time Ice King #4 (Of 4)(Cover B Leigh Luna), $3.99
Bee And Puppycat #11 (Cover A Anna Pan), $3.99
Bee And Puppycat #11 (Cover B Camilla d’Errico), $3.99
Lumberjanes #25 (Cover A Brooke A. Allen), $4.99
Peanuts Volume 7 TP, $13.99
Plants Vs Zombies #10 (Boom Boom Mushroom Part 1 Of 3), $2.99
Teen Titans Go #15, $2.99
Grumpy Cat And Pokey #3 (Of 6)(Cover A Steve Uy), $3.99
Grumpy Cat And Pokey #3 (Of 6)(Cover B Billy Martin), $3.99
Grumpy Cat And Pokey #3 (Of 6)(Cover C Ken Haeser, $3.99
Donald Duck #12 (Cover A Dave Alvarez), $3.99
Donald Duck #12 (Cover B Wouter Tulp), $3.99
Donald Duck #12 (Cover C Marco Gervasio), $3.99
Jem And The Holograms #14 (Cover A Sophie Campbell), $3.99
Jem And The Holograms #14 (Cover B Jen Bartel), $3.99
Jem And The Holograms Volume 2 Viral TP, $19.99
Johnny Boo Book 7 Johnny Boo Goes Like This HC, $9.99
Mad Balls #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Brad McGinty), $2.99 **Weekly Pick**
Haunted Mansion #2 (Of 5)(E. M. Gist Regular Cover), $3.99
Marvel Universe Guardians Of The Galaxy #7, $2.99
Doctor Who The Eleventh Doctor Year 2 #8 (Cover A Todd Nauck), $3.99
Doctor Who The Eleventh Doctor Year 2 #8 (Cover B Photo), $3.99
Doctor Who The Eleventh Doctor Year 2 #8 (Cover C Warren Pleece), $3.99
Doctor Who The Fourth Doctor #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Brian Williamson), $3.99
Doctor Who The Fourth Doctor #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Photo), $3.99
Doctor Who The Fourth Doctor #2 (Of 5)(Cover C Matt Baxter), $3.99
Puss In Boots #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Egle Bartolini & Dave Alvarez), $3.99 **Weekly Pick**
Puss In Boots #1 (Of 4)(Cover B Dave Alvarez), $3.99
The Picks:
Mad Balls #1 – Lion Forge’s all ages imprint Roar brings back a most maddening toy from the ‘80s. Mad Ball teams the Screamin’ Meemies and the Horn Heads are going head to head for a chance to play in the Intergalactic Bizarro Bowl, when headless Torsoids sabotage the game. The squabbling Madballs, including Screamin’ Meemie, Brain Bash and Skullface, must team up in order to take ‘em down. Madballs will appeal to kids who are into gross-out humor and bad puns, as well as parents nostalgic for their own childhood.
Puss In Boots #1 – Titan Comics brings back the scene stealing feline from Shrek 2. Puss in Boots, the sometimes outlaw, sometimes hero, and all-the-time purr-amour is back. He’s short on money, and with a long milk tab to pay, he answers an advert that lands him on a pea-green boat going out to sea with a cranky old owl. But when flying fur balls and derring-do abound, don’t expect this fairy tale to end like you think. Puss in Boots was one of the best characters to come out of the Shrek franchise, so it’s great to see him get his own series.
Images © Lion Forge and Titan Comics respectively.
Filed under: All Ages

About Lori Henderson
Lori Henderson is a mother of two teenage daughters and an avid reader. She blogs about manga at her personal blog Manga Xanadu as well as contributing and editing for Manga Village. She blogs about all things fandom (mainly Doctor Who) at her other personal blog Fangirl Xanadu. She's been at it so for over 5 years now and counting!
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