This Week’s Comics: Delilah Dirk on Baker Street
Don’t lose hope at losing an hour this weekend. Make the time fly by faster with some of this week’s new releases. Adventure Time celebrates its four-year anniversary with stand-alone issue #50. Dark Horse Comics sees the return of Action Cat with a new miniseries, Aw Yeah Comics Action Cat #1, and the spooking starts early this year as Marvel Comics releases the first issue of its new series Haunted Mansion from the Disney Kingdoms series.
The List:
Archie Funhouse Comics Annual Digest #19, $5.99
Adventure Time #50 (Cover A Ian McGinty), $4.99
Adventure Time #50 (Cover B Jorge Corona), $4.99
Baker Street Peculiars #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Andy Hirsch), $3.99 **Weekly Pick**
Steven Universe Volume 2 TP, $14.99
Aw Yeah Comics Action Cat #1 (Of 4), $2.99
Gotham Academy #16, $2.99
Scooby-Doo Where Are You #67, $2.99
Delilah Dirk And The King’s Shilling GN, $17.99 **Weekly Pick**
Donald Duck #11 (Cover A Andrea Freccero), $3.99
Donald Duck #11 (Cover B John Loter), $3.99
Donald Duck Tycoonraker TP, $12.99
Luna The Vampire #3 (Of 3)(Cover A Yasmin Sheikh), $3.99
Luna The Vampire #3 (Of 3)(Cover B Robin Keijzer), $3.99
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic Volume 9 TP, $17.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures Volume 11 TP, $19.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Amazing Adventures #8 (Cover A Jon Sommariva), $3.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Amazing Adventures #8 (Cover B Lucas Elliot), $3.99
Haunted Mansion #1 (Of 5)(E.M. Gist Regular Cover), $3.99
Ms. Marvel #5 (David Lopez Regular Cover), $3.99
Rocket Raccoon And Groot #3 (Skottie Young Regular Cover), $3.99
Breadwinners Volume 2 Buhdeuce Rocks The Rocket SC, $7.99
Only Living Boy Volume 1 Prisoner Of The Patchwork Planet HC, $12.99
Only Living Boy Volume 1 Prisoner Of The Patchwork Planet SC, $8.99
Amazing Agent Luna Omnibus Volume 5 TP, $18.99
Doctor Who The Twelfth Doctor Volume 3 Hyperion HC, $19.99
Doctor Who The Twelfth Doctor Year 2 #3 (Cover A Alex Ronald), $3.99
SpongeBob Comics #54, $3.99
The Picks:
Baker Street Peculiars #1 – BOOM! Studios releases a new title that brings a fun twist on the great detective Sherlock Holmes. It’s 1930s London, and a giant stone lion has come to life, wreaking havoc on the city. Getting to the bottom of this case is a job for none other than the world’s most famous detective, Sherlock Holmes. Except Sherlock Holmes doesn’t actually exist—he is the creation of housekeeper Mrs. Hudson who is the real detective and has been writing Holmes’s adventures under the pen name of John Watson. Running around the city in disguise, she’s already overwhelmed with cases and must call on the help of a precocious bunch of young detectives-in-training to solve the mystery of the living statues. Sherlock Holmes has seen quite the resurgence in media lately, and this new take by Roger Langridge is not only a perfect fit but is sure to be just as fun and entertaining as his other all-ages works.
Delilah Dirk And The King’s Shilling GN – First Second sees the return of the globetrotting troublemaker Delilah Dirk. While going about their business of peacefully raiding castles and traipsing across enemy lines, Delilah Dirk and her loyal Turkish friend Selim draw the unwanted attention of the English Army. Accused of espionage against the British crown, Delilah and Selim must do everything in their power to clear their names, be it sneaking, skirmishing, and even sword fighting. But Delilah may have met her match when she faces having to put on a gown and have a nice cup of tea with her mother. The first Delilah Dirk was a delight, and this next volume has been a long time coming. This series is a must for any serious graphic novel collection.
Images © Boom! Studios and First Second Books respectively.
Filed under: All Ages

About Lori Henderson
Lori Henderson is a mother of two teenage daughters and an avid reader. She blogs about manga at her personal blog Manga Xanadu as well as contributing and editing for Manga Village. She blogs about all things fandom (mainly Doctor Who) at her other personal blog Fangirl Xanadu. She's been at it so for over 5 years now and counting!
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