This Week’s Comics: Help Us Chi!
Put some excitement into these lazy summer days with some of this week’s new releases. Doctor Who returns in a few weeks! Catch up with the 12th Doctor and Clara with the Titan Comics series. IDW Publishing releases the next volume in their adaptation of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Animated show, and Bongo Comics shows what would happen if Snowball II the cat became Mayor of Springfield in Springfield Illustrated #18.
The List:
Kids Of The Round Table #3 (Of 4), $3.99
Princeless Be Yourself #2 (Of 4), $3.99
Sonic Boom #10 (Ben Bates Epic Connecting Poster Part 10 Variant Cover), $3.99
Sonic Boom #10 (Patrick Spaziante Regular Cover), $3.99
Sonic Boom #10 (Reilly Brown Variant Cover), $3.99
Simpsons Illustrated #18, $3.99
Help Us Great Warrior #6 (Of 6)(Cover A Lauren Jordan), $3.99 **Weekly Pick**
Baby-Sitters Club Volume 2 The Truth About Stacey HC (Color Edition), $24.99
Baby-Sitters Club Volume 2 The Truth About Stacey SC (Color Edition), $10.99
Donald Duck #3 (Cover A Giorgio Cavazzano), $3.99
Jem And The Holograms #5 (Cover A Sophie Campbell), $3.99
Skylanders #11 (Cover A Fico Ossio), $3.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Animated Volume 6 Vengeance Is Mine TP, $7.99
Marvel Universe Ultimate Spider-Man Web Warriors #9, $2.99
Doctor Who The Ninth Doctor #3 (Blair Shedd Regular Cover), $3.99
Doctor Who The Tenth Doctor #13 (Mariano Laclaustra Regular Cover), $3.99
Doctor Who The Twelfth Doctor #10 (Rian Hughes Regular Cover), $3.99
Peanuts Volume 1 1950-1952 TP (Titan Edition), $6.99
Complete Chi’s Sweet Home Volume 1 TP, $24.95 **Weekly Pick**
The Picks:
Help Us Great Warrior #6 – BOOM! Studio’s print edition of Madeleine Flores’s webcomic comes to an end this week. In this final issue, Great Warrior and the villagers from her home have been dumped into the dark land of Demonside. Things are looking bleak for them, but all is not lost. Great Warrior has one last power up that may save the day, but she will need everyone’s help to make it work. Flores’s tale of a jellybean-shaped warrior who protects her village and anyone else who needs it from all sorts of terrible threats is charming and lots of fun for readers of all ages.
Complete Chi’s Sweet Home Volume 1 TP – Vertical Comics releases an omnibus edition of the very popular cat series. Chi is a young kitten who gets separated from her mother and siblings while out for a walk. She is found by a young boy named Yohei and his mother, who take the distraught kitten in, even though their apartment doesn’t allow pets. Chi’s everyday adventures as she grows accustomed to her new home are cute and funny and will have every cat owner nodding along. This new omnibus collects the first three volumes of the series in full color and a larger trim size. It also includes exclusive bonus material from another of Kanata’s comics, Fuku Fuku, which is about an older cat living with an older woman. This series is a must for all ages and graphic novel collections, as well as any cat collection!
Images © Boom! Studios and Vertical Comics Respectively.
Filed under: All Ages

About Lori Henderson
Lori Henderson is a mother of two teenage daughters and an avid reader. She blogs about manga at her personal blog Manga Xanadu as well as contributing and editing for Manga Village. She blogs about all things fandom (mainly Doctor Who) at her other personal blog Fangirl Xanadu. She's been at it so for over 5 years now and counting!
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