This Week’s Comics: Smash Turtles
Prepare for autumn with some fun titles from this week’s new comics! With the massive Mega Man/Sonic the Hedgehog crossover finished, Mega Man starts a new arc with issue #29. Sonic Universe prepares for International Talk Like A Pirate Day with part 2 of “Pirate Plunder Panic,” and Adventure Time wraps up another story arc, this one for the Dungeons and Dragons/RPG fan in us all.
The List:
Archie And Friends Double Digest #31, $3.99
Archie Double Digest #243, $3.99
Jugheads Double Double Digest #196, $5.99
Mega Man #29 (Dean Haspiel Variant Cover), $2.99
Mega Man #29 (Patrick Spaziante Regular Cover), $2.99
Sonic Universe #56 (Sega Variant Cover), $2.99
Sonic Universe #56 (Tracy Yardley Regular Cover), $2.99
World Of Archie Double Digest #32, $3.99
Adventure Time #20 (Cover A Mike Holmes), $3.99
Adventure Time #20 (Cover B Tina Fabert), $3.99
Bravest Warriors #12 (Cover A Tyson Hesse), $3.99
Bravest Warriors #12 (Cover B Joanna Estep), $3.99
Smash Volume 1 Trial By Fire GN, $18.99 **Weekly Pick**
Popeye Classics #14 (Cover A Bud Sagendorf), $3.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Classics Volume 6 TP, $19.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles New Animated Adventures #3 (Cover A Dario Brizuela), $3.99 **Weekly Pick**
Disney Princess Magazine #16 (Disney Publishing Worldwide), $4.99
Annoying Orange Volume 3 Pulped Fiction HC, $11.99
The Picks:
Smash Volume 1 Trial By Fire GN – Candlewick Press has introduced a new kid superhero, Smash! Fifth-grader Andrew Ryan would dream about being a superhero. After being hit the fallout from a blast that killed the local superhero, Defender, his dream comes true! He gains super strength and speed and can even fly! He takes over protecting the citizens from thieves, thugs, and fearsome villains in his homemade costume, but he soon finds fighting crime is no easy task. He has to balance fighting evil robots and trigger-happy bank robbers with homework, curfew, and the school bully. Oh, and there’s a super villain who will stop at nothing to steal Smash’s powers. No problem for a 10-year-old. Kids and adults can enjoy this superhero title that’s filled with humor, action, and art that makes it a fun ride for everyone.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles New Animated Adventures #3 – Teenage Mutant Ninja…Zombies?! Michelangelo has always been on the fun-loving side, and what’s more fun than zombies? But after watching one too many zombie movies, Mikey starts to see the people of NYC starting to act a little mindless. To stop them, Mikey must face his fears, but can he convince his brothers that his seemingly tall tale is real—or will he be forced to face the hordes by himself? IDW brings another popular Nickelodeon show to comic book form that features all new adventures. Like the cable channel, IDW is building up a solid block of titles kids will love and adults can enjoy.
Images © Candlewick Press and IDW Publishing respectively.
Filed under: All Ages

About Lori Henderson
Lori Henderson is a mother of two teenage daughters and an avid reader. She blogs about manga at her personal blog Manga Xanadu as well as contributing and editing for Manga Village. She blogs about all things fandom (mainly Doctor Who) at her other personal blog Fangirl Xanadu. She's been at it so for over 5 years now and counting!
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