All ages comics and manga for 12/12/12
Celebrate the end of the triple digit dates this century with some comics from this week’s list! Archaia Entertainment releases the second volume of Rust. Archie Comics collects the next story arc in Mega Man with its fourth trade volume, and Boom! Studios celebrates its Adventure Time series with a special issue that showcases the many covers that have come out over the last 10 issues. Now you can enjoy the art without having to buy multiple issues!
The List:
Rust Volume 2 Secrets Of The Cell HC, $24.95
Betty And Veronica Friends Double Digest #230, $3.99
Life With Archie #25 (Norm Breyfogle Regular Cover), $3.99
Life With Archie #25 (Fernando Ruiz Wraparound Variant Cover), $3.99
Mega Man #20 (Ryan Jampole Variant Cover), $2.99
Mega Man #20 (Mike Norton Regular Cover), $2.99
Mega Man Volume 4 Spiritus Ex Machina TP, $11.99
World Of Archie Double Digest #24, $3.99
Adventure Time Cover Showcase (One Shot), $3.99
Adventure Time Marceline And The Scream Queens #6 (Of 6)(Cover A Jen Bennett), $3.99 ^^AA Pick^^
Adventure Time Marceline And The Scream Queens #6 (Of 6)(Cover B Brianne Drouhard), $3.99
Garfield Volume 1 TP, $13.99
Adventures Of Dr. McNinja Volume 2 Time Fist TP, $19.99 ^^AA Pick^^
Green Lantern The Animated Series #9, $2.99
Popeye #8 (Cover A Vince Musacchia ), $3.99
Marvel Universe Ultimate Spider-Man #9, $2.99
Monsters Inc #1 (Of 2), $2.99
Courtney Crumrin #8, $3.99
Amazing Agent Luna Volume 8 GN, $11.99
The Picks:
Adventure Time Marceline And The Scream Queens #6 – The first Adventure Time mini-series comes to an awesome end! Marceline and Princess Bubblegum had a fight, causing Princess Bubblegum to leave the group, while Marceline’s insecurities become overwhelming just as she and the Scream Queens take to the stage of their biggest gig ever. Can anyone get Marceline under control? Will Princess Bubblegum go back to help her friends—and discover the true meaning of ROCK? Adventure Time has been an amazing success, so it’s little surprise that this first spin-off mini-series has been so popular. And to feature strong, well-written female characters only makes it that much more appealing.
Adventures Of Dr. McNinja Volume 2 Time Fist TP – The popular web comic is back in print thanks to Dark Horse! Who is Doctor McNinja? Why, he’s a Doctor, of course, who’s also a ninja! In this new volume, Doctor McNinja and his clan take on battle pirates, clones, sentient dinosaurs, hunted spaceships, and sibling rivalry! There is also crossover story with the highly popular Axe Cop! Featuring time travel, monsters, mayhem, and the occasional mustache, Doctor McNinja is the kind of absurdist comedy that everyone can (and should) enjoy!
Images © Boom! Studios and Dark Horse Comics respectively.
Filed under: All Ages
About Lori Henderson
Lori Henderson is a mother of two teenage daughters and an avid reader. She blogs about manga at her personal blog Manga Xanadu as well as contributing and editing for Manga Village. She blogs about all things fandom (mainly Doctor Who) at her other personal blog Fangirl Xanadu. She's been at it so for over 5 years now and counting!
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