All ages comics and manga for 11/21/12
Fight off (or speed up) that turkey coma with some titles from this week’s list! Archie Comics releases a special issue of their quarterly magazine Sonic Super Special with an issue of pull-out posters of Sonic and his friends. Kodansha releases another volume of their kid friendly title Animal Land, and Marvel Comics releases two Disney magazines featuring Fairies and Cars.
The List:
Princeless Short Stories For Warrior Women #1 (One Shot), $3.99 ^^AA Pick^^
Archie Double Digest #235, $3.99
Betty And Veronica Double Digest #207, $3.99
Sonic Super Special Magazine #5, $9.99
Sonic The Hedgehog Legacy Volume 2 SC, $14.99
Sonic Universe #46, $2.99
Bravest Warriors #2 (Of 6)(Cover A Tyson Hesse), $3.99
Bravest Warriors #2 (Of 6)(Cover B Zack Sterling), $3.99
Young Justice #22, $2.99
Animal Land Volume 6 GN, $10.99
Disney Fairies Magazine #10 (Disney Publishing Worldwide), $4.99
Disney Pixar Cars Magazine #10 (Disney Publishing Worldwide), $4.99
Oz The Marvelous Land Of Oz TP, $24.99
Upside Down A Vampire Tale HC, $9.95 ^^AA Pick^^
The Picks:
Princeless Short Stories For Warrior Women #1 – The Princess who doesn’t need a Prince to save her is back! In the first of two one-shot issues, this issue features four new stories from the world of Princeless. Written by series creator Jeremy Whitley, and art by some of the comic industry’s brightest new female creators, these stories give a glimpse of the past Adrienne, Bedelia, Sparky and the rest of the Princeless gang. This issue is a great introduction to new readers to the world of Princeless and a tide-over for fans until the Princeless Volume Two!
Upside Down A Vampire Tale HC – Top Shelf releases a Halloween tale that perfect for any time of the year. Harold is a friendly young vampire who lives in a piano. His one big vice is his love of candy. He loves it so much that he could lose his fangs! His journey to the dentist’s office turns into an adventure as he faces bats, witches, magic spells, vampire frogs and mad scientists! This spooky fun tale is perfect for all-ages and tweens. Check out the review here at GC4K!
Filed under: All Ages

About Lori Henderson
Lori Henderson is a mother of two teenage daughters and an avid reader. She blogs about manga at her personal blog Manga Xanadu as well as contributing and editing for Manga Village. She blogs about all things fandom (mainly Doctor Who) at her other personal blog Fangirl Xanadu. She's been at it so for over 5 years now and counting!
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