All ages comics and manga for 3/23/11
As the month winds down, so does the list of books this week. The Big Two are notably absent, leaving room for the smaller pubs. Ape Entertainment is one issue away from completing their Shrek mini series. Papercutz has a new volume of their Hardy Boys reboot, and Bongo Comics keeps the laughs coming with The Simpsons and Futurama.
Shrek #3 (Of 4), $3.95
Archie Americana Series Volume 12 Best Of The 90s Book 2 TP, $11.95
Futurama Comics #54, $2.99
Simpsons Comics Meltdown TP, $15.99
Donald Duck & Friends Feathers Of Fury TP, $9.99 ^^AA Pick^^
Walt Disneys Comics & Stories #717, $3.99
Sam And Friends Mystery Volume 2 Lake Monster Mix-Up GN, $7.95
Hardy Boys The New Case Files Volume 2 Break Up GN, $6.99
Owly & Wormy Friends All Aflutter HC, $15.99 ^^AA Pick^^
The Picks:
Donald Duck & Friends: Feathers of Fury TP – This new trade features some high-flying King Fu action! A lazy day with his nephews sends Donald Duck into a dreamscape of the far east where he is the newest martial arts movie star. The feather fly as he must take on some seemingly familiar foes in order to save Daisy! But being a Kung Fu master might more trouble than it’s worth. With plenty of high-kicks and hi-jinks, kids will really enjoy this comedic take on the martial arts genre. You can see a preview at Comixology.
Owly & Wormy: Friends All Aflutter HC – Top Shelf continues their Owly line with a storybook for pre-readers. Owly and Wormy want to see butterflies. They get a milkweed plant from Mrs. Raccoon’s nursery that is supposed to attract butterflies. But instead, they get chubby, green bugs. Will they ever find the butterflies? Only time will tell. This wordless book will appeal to the younger kids with bold graphics and a fun story. It will also teach them a few things about metamorphosis, giving them a firm footing on the idea. This book would be a great addition to an pre-school or elementary school library.
Images © Boom! Studios and Top Shelf respectively.
Filed under: All Ages, Manga, Uncategorized

About Lori Henderson
Lori Henderson is a mother of two teenage daughters and an avid reader. She blogs about manga at her personal blog Manga Xanadu as well as contributing and editing for Manga Village. She blogs about all things fandom (mainly Doctor Who) at her other personal blog Fangirl Xanadu. She's been at it so for over 5 years now and counting!
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