All ages comics and manga for 3/24/10
The end of the month is usually sparse, and this week is no different. Marvel ends the last of their Marvel Adventures branded comics. Papercutz continues their Hardy Boys series as well as the next Geronimo Stilton. Udon also continues their manga for kids line with the next volume of Fairy Idol Kanon, which my 11-year-old daughter endorses wholeheartedly. And in my picks, I keep with the spirit of March, with the final two for the month, and they aren’t about basketball!
Archie #607, $2.50
Archie Double Digest #207, $3.99
Archie Wedding Will You Marry Me TP, $14.95
Futurama Comics #48, $2.99
Cars #3 (Cover A Allen Gladfelter), $2.99
Cars #3 (Cover B Allen Gladfelter), $2.99
Donald Duck And Friends #352 (Cover A Magic Eye Studios), $2.99
Donald Duck And Friends #352 (Cover B Magic Eye Studios), $2.99
Donald Duck Classics Volume 1 Quack Up HC, $24.99
Incredibles #7 (Cover A Ramanda Kamarga), $2.99
Incredibles #7 (Cover B Ramanda Kamarga), $2.99
Wall-E #4 (Cover A Morgan Luthi), $2.99
Wall-E #4 (Cover B Morgan Luthi), $2.99
Tiny Titans #26, $2.50 ^^AA Pick^^
Marvel Adventures Spider-Man #61 (Final Issue), $2.99 ^^AA Pick^^
Geronimo Stilton Volume 4 Following The Trail Of Marco Polo HC, $9.99
Hardy Boys Volume 19 Chaos At 30000 Feet HC, $12.95
Hardy Boys Volume 19 Chaos At 30000 Feet GN, $7.95
Fairy Idol Kanon Volume 3 GN (of 4), $7.99
Tiny Titans #26 – March is the month for green. The first day of spring is within it’s span, as is St. Patrick’s Day. It’s also the time for the green superheroes to come out and play! In this issue, Miss Martian chases after Gizmo. Beast Boy chases after Miss Martian, and Kroc eats anything green…and everything else! Tiny Titans continues to be a fun and well written comic for the young ones. It’s always best to get them started early, both for reading and comics!
Marvel Adventures Spider-Man #61 (Final Issue) – This final issue of Marvel’s all ages Spiderman features a female superhero with a power I think any kid and all animal lovers would love to have. Sophia "Chat" Sanduval can talk with animals. She’s going up against Emma Frost, the girl who will become the White Queen. Spidey wants to help her, but he’s got his own problems with being hunted by a crime family and Bullseye on his way. It sounds like quite a swansong for this all ages title. Chat sounds like a fun characters that girls would enjoy reading about.
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About Lori Henderson
Lori Henderson is a mother of two teenage daughters and an avid reader. She blogs about manga at her personal blog Manga Xanadu as well as contributing and editing for Manga Village. She blogs about all things fandom (mainly Doctor Who) at her other personal blog Fangirl Xanadu. She's been at it so for over 5 years now and counting!
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