All ages comics and manga for 11/25/09
Is calling a title for All Ages misleading? Sometimes, but only in the same way a G rating on a movie is. Comics can be written to appeal to a wide audience or specific to certain age range. An all ages rating may not be that specific, but it’s at least something, and I for one would appreciate more companies make that distinction. In my picks, I’ll try to make the distinction more clear when I can. This week’s list is mostly made up of the usual suspects, but I was still able to find some worthy picks.
Archie #603, $2.50
Archie New Look Series Vol 3 Breakup Blues TP, $10.95
Betty & Veronica Double Digest #176, $3.99
Jughead #198, $2.50
Jughead And Friends Digest #35, $2.69
Futurama Comics #46, $2.99
Monsters Inc Laugh Factory #3 (Cover A Amy Mebberson), $2.99
Monsters Inc Laugh Factory #3 (Cover B Amy Mebberson), $2.99
Muppet Peter Pan #3 (Cover A David Peterson), $2.99
Muppet Peter Pan #3 (Cover B Amy Mebberson), $2.99
Uncle Scrooge #385 (Cover A Magic Eye Studios), $2.99
Uncle Scrooge #385 (Cover B Magic Eye Studios), $2.99
Batman The Brave And The Bold #11, $2.50
Billy Batson And The Magic Of SHAZAM #10, $2.50
Lizard Prince Vol 1 TP, $9.99 ^^AA Pick^^
Marvel Adventures Spider-Man #57, $2.99
Wolverine First Class #21, $2.99
X-Men Forever #12, $3.99
Bionicle Vol 7 Realm Of Fear HC, $12.95
Bionicle Vol 7 Realm Of Fear GN, $7.95
Kat & Mouse Vol 4 GN (of 4)(resolicited), $5.99 ^^AA Pick^^
Lizard Prince Vol 1 – Ages 8-up – CMX has been doing a good job expanding their titles for everyone (what they call their all ages books). Lizard King is another new title that short and sweet. A marriage has been proposed between Princess Canary, a tomboyish girl, to Prince Heath, who is less than princely. Heath, who has a pet talking lizard, switches bodies with the lizard so he doesn’t have to meet Canary. The lizard and Canary end up falling in love, and the lizard is revealed to be Heath’s older brother, Sienna, who was cursed. Now, Sienna can change into a lizard at will, but not back. The stories are cute, and puts Sienna’s power to good use. Tween girls will really enjoy the romance and humor.
Kat & Mouse Vol 4 – Ages 8-up – This is the volume that almost wasn’t. When Tokyopop reduced it’s output, a lot of OEL titles were canceled. The final volume of this series was thought to be one of them. But Tokyopop came through and now this series can be completed. The series about a girl named Kat who transfers to a private school when her father gets a there, but she doesn’t fit into the social cliques. She makes friends with the nerdish Mouse, and together they solve mysteries at the school. This final volume completes the mystery started in volume 3 and ties up all the loose ends. My youngest daughter loves this series, and was disappointed at first when it looked like it wouldn’t be finished. Tween girls will love this, and some tween boys may enjoy the mystery and science extras at the end.
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About Lori Henderson
Lori Henderson is a mother of two teenage daughters and an avid reader. She blogs about manga at her personal blog Manga Xanadu as well as contributing and editing for Manga Village. She blogs about all things fandom (mainly Doctor Who) at her other personal blog Fangirl Xanadu. She's been at it so for over 5 years now and counting!
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