All ages comics and manga for 10/21/09
Hey! It’s the pets edition of the all ages comics list this week. Diary of a Wimpy Kid vol 4 is out, and is about the "dog" days of summer. Who is this new addition to the Heffley family? Then there’s everyone’s favorite Great Dane, Scooby-Doo, who has to face down a giant snake that probably wouldn’t make such a good pet. He’s also perparing to his the big 150! He’s not too far behind Sonic the Hedgehog, who’s third series sees it’s 9th issue out this week. And then there are my two picks, which feature some super pets, that everyone can enjoy.
Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Vol 4 Dog Days HC, $13.95
Archie #602, $2.50
Betty & Veronica Double Digest #175, $3.99
Sonic Universe #9, $2.50
Tales From Riverdale Digest #35, $2.69
Puppy Power Bo Obama (Book Market Edition), $3.99 ^^AA Pick^^
Simpsons Comics #159, $2.99
Scooby Doo #149, $2.50
Tiny Titans #21, $2.50 ^^AA Pick^^
Marvel Adventures Avengers Vol 10 Invasion Digest TP, $9.99
Puppy Power Bo Obama – Bluewater Productions seems to be doing alright with their Political Power and FemForce comic lines, which are about current political and pop culture figures. With Puppy Power, they have found a way to draw kids into learning about politics through a figure they can relate to: Bo, the Obama’s puppy. Get an insider’s view of the White House from Bo’s perspective, and find out who’s really the top dog in Washington. Entertaining and informative, this title looks like a great way to engage younger kids in the political system.
Tiny Titans #21 – Even superheroes love animals! In this issue of the Tiny Titans, DC’s superheroes for the young kids, everyone is bringing their pet to the Pet Club in the tree house. From Cyborg’s pet robots, to Starfire’s Sliky, to Terra’s pet rock to Bat-Cow, it’s a wild menagerie of animals. But can everyone fit in the tree house? If not, where else can they meet? Expect some good writing and a lot of fun in this title for kids and grownups who like funny comics.
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About Lori Henderson
Lori Henderson is a mother of two teenage daughters and an avid reader. She blogs about manga at her personal blog Manga Xanadu as well as contributing and editing for Manga Village. She blogs about all things fandom (mainly Doctor Who) at her other personal blog Fangirl Xanadu. She's been at it so for over 5 years now and counting!
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Michael Comte says
What is the real name of the dog? Not “Bo Obama” for sure, giving a dog a human family name seems weird. According to rules, the name of the dog should be followed by the kennels name of the breeder, who in this case is Martha Stern. Here are the rules for naming dogs all accross the world: