All ages comics and manga for 9/16/09
Archie Comics takes the spotlight again with it’s continuing saga of Archie and Veronica’s marriage, this time with them actually tying the knot. Other highlights include Dark Horse with the second volume of the Indiana Jones Adventures, new Indy stories of younger readers. CMX finishes it’s girl’s manga Lapis Lazuli Crown, and Top Shelf releases the next volume in the Johnny Boo series.
Archie #601, $2.50
Betty & Veronica Double Digest #174, $3.99
Jughead And Friends Digest #34, $2.69
Simpsons Comics #158, $2.99
Mr Stuffins TP, $12.99 ^^AA Pick^^
Indiana Jones Adventures TP Vol 2, $7.95
Lapis Lazuli Crown TP Vol 2, $9.99
Scooby Doo #148, $2.50
Tiny Titans #20, $2.50
Digger And Friends #2 (of 4), $3.99
Doctor Who Classics Series 2 #10 (Steve Parkhouse cover), $3.99
Doctor Who Classics Series 2 #10 (Charlie Kirchoff cover), $3.99
Hardy Boys Box Set Vol 13-16, $29.95
Chronicles Of Arthur GN Vol 1 Sword Of Fire & Ice, $14.99 ^^AA Pick^^
Johnny Boo HC Vol 3 Happy Apples, $9.95
Mr. Stuffins TP – The tagline for this series is "My teddy bear’s a secret agent!" A scientist who created an AI for the government, hides it in an ordinary mechanical bear when he learns the military wants to use it for a weapon. A family buys the bear, and the little boy soon learns his new friend has the skills of James Bond! But the military wants the AI back, so it’s up to Mr. Stuffins to protect his new family from harm. Written by Andrew Crosby and Johanna Stokes, creator and staff writer for the TV show Eureka, you just know this series will be filled with outrageous situations and chaos breaking out when you least expect it! This trade collects the first 3 issues.
Chronicles of Arthur GN Vol1 Sword Of Fire & Ice – Tales of King Arthur have been a perennial favorite with kids. John Matthews, a well known expert in Arthurian legend, adds to these tales with a new series about Arthur before he was king. This first volume introduces the teen Arthur and starts him on the adventures that will give him the life lessons he needs to prepare him for the responsibilities he will later take on as King. With Knights, adventure and a little magic, this title has all the makings of a great series for kids.
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About Lori Henderson
Lori Henderson is a mother of two teenage daughters and an avid reader. She blogs about manga at her personal blog Manga Xanadu as well as contributing and editing for Manga Village. She blogs about all things fandom (mainly Doctor Who) at her other personal blog Fangirl Xanadu. She's been at it so for over 5 years now and counting!
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