Links: Mickey Mouse loses a gig
Librarians and students at an alternative school in Traverse City, Michigan, discuss graphic novels for reluctant readers in this newspaper article that goes into more depth than most such stories.
The Spider-Man comic that caused such a ruckus in Minnesota has been identified by the sharp-eyed sleuths at ICv2; it’s Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 2: Revelations, which is rated "PG, ages 12+" and therefore not really suitable for a six-year-old, even one who reads up. Check out the comments at Heidi MacDonald’s post at The Beat for some good discussion.
Disney announced yesterday that Gemstone, the publishing branch of Diamond Comics Distributors, will no longer publish comics with Disney characters; they have chosen not to renew the license. This means that for the moment, the classic set of Disney characters—Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, et al.—have no U.S. publisher, although it seems unlikely that will be the case for long, as Disney is already negotiating with other potential licensors. Stay tuned!
Bluewater Productions announced yesterday that the next two comics in their "Female Force" series will feature Princess Di and Condoleeza Rice.
Ray Friesen discusses BOOM! Studios’ new Muppet and Pixar comics and shares his submission to them at the Kids Love Comics blog.
Andrew Wheeler on vol. 4 of Amelia Rules, Cowa!, Water Baby, and sundry other comics (The Antick Musings of G.B.H. Hornswoggler, Gent.)
Rob Clough on The Eternal Smile (High-Low)
Marc-Oliver Frisch on The Incredibles #1 (comiks debris)
Jennifer Rosenberg on The Incredibles #1 (ComicMix)
Johanna Draper Carlson on Luke on the Loose and The Big No-No! (Comics Worth Reading)
Deb Aoki on vol. 1 of Ninja Baseball Kyuma (
Ben Morse on The Muppet Show #1 (The Cool Kids Table)
J. Caleb Mozzocco on The Muppet Show #1 (Blog@Newsarama)
Douglas Wolk on The Muppet Show #1 (Savage Critics)
Rebecca Buchanan on There’s a Wolf at the Door (Sequential Tart)
BakaTanuki on the four new Udon kids’ manga (The Gaming Dungeon)
Filed under: Uncategorized

About Brigid Alverson
Brigid Alverson, the editor of the Good Comics for Kids blog, has been reading comics since she was 4. She has an MFA in printmaking and has worked as a book editor, a newspaper reporter, and assistant to the mayor of a small city. In addition to editing GC4K, she is a regular columnist for SLJ, a contributing editor at ICv2, an editor at Smash Pages, and a writer for Publishers Weekly. Brigid is married to a physicist and has two daughters. She was a judge for the 2012 Eisner Awards.
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I just picked up The Incredibles #1 and have pretty good feelings about BOOM! Studios so far. I love that they’re bringing The Muppet Show to a new audience. Thanks for the link, and the reviews — I’m heading over to read them now.
I just picked up The Incredibles #1 and have pretty good feelings about BOOM! Studios so far. I love that they’re bringing The Muppet Show to a new audience. Thanks for the link, and the reviews — I’m heading over to read them now.