All ages comics and manga list for 1/28/09
It’s the end of the month, therefore that means a small list this week. And it’s smaller than even the usual, so I’m dropping my picks to one debut title. You’ll notice Ultimate Spiderman has made the list. Marvel has this rated as a Tween book, so it meets my criteria for making this list, but I’m not giving it a spotlight yet. Right now, the Ultimate Universe is in some turmoil, and it’s not a good time to starting. After the shake out, and things have been resolved, I’ll give it look. I just have a bad feeling about where the title might end up going…
Archie #593, $2.25
Betty & Veronica Digest #191, $2.49
Jugheads Double Digest #147, $3.69
Simpsons Classics #19, $3.99
Batman The Brave And The Bold #1, $2.50 ^^AA Pick^^
Cartoon Network Block Party #53, $2.50
Marvel Adventures Fantastic Four #44, $2.99
Ultimate Spider-Man #130 (Ultimatum Tie-In), $2.99
Ultimate Spider-Man TP Vol 21 War Of The Symbiotes, $15.99
Batman: The Brave and the Bold #1 – DC has a new cartoon series with Batman: The Brave and the Bold, so of course, there has to be an accompanying comic. This series has Batman teaming up with different heroes from the DC universe to solve crimes and catch the villains. This first issue is written by Matt Wayne, who also writes for the TV series. The guest hero in this inaugural issue is kept a secret as Batman faces the terror and adventure of The Panic of the Composite Creature. I endorse TV tie-ins like this mostly because it can encourage kids who wouldn’t otherwise be interested in reading to pick up a book.
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About Lori Henderson
Lori Henderson is a mother of two teenage daughters and an avid reader. She blogs about manga at her personal blog Manga Xanadu as well as contributing and editing for Manga Village. She blogs about all things fandom (mainly Doctor Who) at her other personal blog Fangirl Xanadu. She's been at it so for over 5 years now and counting!
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