All ages comics and manga list for 1/07/09
Publishers seem to be moving slowly into the new year. All the regulars are here, as well as some hard covers perfect for libraries. There’s more Doctor Who love, this time direct from across the pond, with a collection of stories written by the writers from the TV series. These hard covers are a tradition in the UK and are great books for young readers. Gunnerkrigg Court, originally a webcomic, is a borderline all ages at 12+, but would still fit in any middle school library.
Rod Espinosa Prince Of Heroes Pocket Manga TP Vol 1, $14.95 ^^AA Pick^^
Gunnerkrigg Court HC Vol 1 Orientation, $26.95
Betty & Veronica Double Digest #167, $3.69
Sabrina Vol 2 #99, $2.25
Veronica #192, $2.25
Lucky Luke Adventure TP Vol 14 Dashing White Cowboy, $11.95
Looney Tunes #170, $2.50
Supergirl Cosmic Adventures In The 8th Grade #2, $2.50
Wolverine Power Pack #3 (of 4), $2.99 ^^AA Pick^^
Dr Who Storybook 2009 HC, $11.99
Prince of Heroes Pocket Manga vol 1 – This title is a borderline all ages, but has all the elements of an adventure tale that younger readers will no doubt love. Ronen doesn’t want to leave his home planet, but his mother tells him he has a destiny, and must travel to the edge of the universe to meet his father. If he has the courage, he could claim a kingdom! But he must overcome many obstacles. The story has an epic, almost mythic feel, much like Star Wars. The art looks a lot like the manga Full Metal Alchemist, which will attract many eyes. This title has a lot of potential.
Wolverine Power Pack #3 – Power Pack, Marvel’s super kid team, has teamed up with Marvel’s best known character (after Spiderman), Wolverine. In this issue, Jack Power and Franklin Richards, son of Fantastic Four’s Sue and Reed Richards, travel back in time to meet a pre-teen Wolverine. He isn’t quite the hero he will be yet, so it’s up to Jack and Franklin to show him how! The Power Pack books are a good alternative for kids that love superheroes. This issue also includes Mini Marvels, tales about the short, squat toys of Marvel characters for kids.
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About Lori Henderson
Lori Henderson is a mother of two teenage daughters and an avid reader. She blogs about manga at her personal blog Manga Xanadu as well as contributing and editing for Manga Village. She blogs about all things fandom (mainly Doctor Who) at her other personal blog Fangirl Xanadu. She's been at it so for over 5 years now and counting!
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The Power Pack team-ups with popular Marvel superheroes are lots of fun. They don’t fit into the whole Marvel Universe continuity, so kids don’t need to know all the stuff that has been going on in all those crossover events. And the stories are great! I think that the Power Pack and Franklin Richards comics are terrific as all-ages comics reads (Franklin is like a super-powered Calvin, with robot H.E.R.B.I.E a stand-in for Hobbes).