All Ages Comics and Manga List For 10/08/08
Lots of good manga in the all ages list this week. As well as their standards like Dragon Drive, Hikaru no Go and Eyeshield 21, Viz is introducing a title for the video game fans with Legend of Zelda. Even through it is an older title, Link and the Legend of Zelda franchise are as timeless as Mario or Sonic. Politics invades the list for the first time, with biographies of the two candidates. Bet you never thought you’d see that on an all ages comics list.
Archie & Friends #124, $2.25
Betty & Veronica Digest #188, $2.49
Jugheads Double Digest #144, $3.69
Sonic The Hedgehog #193, $2.25
Twilight Zone SC After Hours, $9.99 ^^Halloween Pick^^
Twilight Zone SC Walking Distance, $9.99
Cartoon Network Action Pack #30, $2.25
Legion Of Super Heroes In The 31st Century #19, $2.25
MAD Magazine #495, $4.99
Walt Disneys Uncle Scrooge #380, $7.99
Walt Disneys Comics & Stories #695, $7.99
Presidential Material Barack Obama, $3.99 ^^AA Pick^^
Presidential Material Flipbook, $7.99
Presidential Material John Mccain, $3.99 ^^AA Pick^^
Marvel Adventures Hulk #16, $2.99
Marvel Adventures Spider-Man #44, $2.99
Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane Season 2 #3 (of 5), $2.99
Complete Pokemon Pocket Guide Vol 1, $9.99
Complete Pokemon Pocket Guide Vol 2, $9.99
Dragon Drive TP Vol 10, $7.99
Eyeshield 21 TP Vol 22, $7.99
Hikaru No Go TP Vol 13, $7.95
Legend Of Zelda GN Vol 1, $7.99
Naruto Chapter Book Vol 1 Boy Ninja, $4.99 ^^AA Pick^^
Naruto Chapter Book Vol 2 Tests Of A Ninja, $4.99
Presidential Material: Barack Obama/John McCain – For the last year and a half, kids have been hearing the names of Obama and McCain at school, at home on the TV and radio, and maybe even their parents fighting over them! But who are these men? IDW has created comic biographies of the two men vying for the most powerful position in the possibly the world. From Obama’s humble beginning to his rise in the democratic party to win it’s presidential nomination, and McCain’s military service to civil service in the House and Senate to take the republican presidential nomination, IDW did a lot of thorough research to make sure these books were factual as possible. Whether it’s to help educate kids on politicians, or just to find out more about the candidates, these books are definitely worth a look.
Naturo Chapter Book Vol 1 – While these books aren’t graphic novels, they are based on the very popular manga Naruto. Viz has created these just for the US market. These chapter books tell the story of Naruto, a young boy who lives in a Ninja village, and dreams of one day becoming the greatest ninja ever. His only problems; he’s not very good at ninjitsu, and likes to stir up trouble. Naruto is not just a tale of a boy ninja, it’s about fighting for a dream despite the odds, and what other around you say, and more importantly, about friendship, and how it can change someone. These books feature art from the original manga, and puts the story in a younger audience’s hands, that would otherwise have to wait to read the manga.
Twilight Zone: After Hours – If you’re looking for creepy, you just can’t go wrong with The Twilight Zone. The everyday is made eerie in these stories, creating suspense and tension without violence and bloodshed. Rod Serling may not have invented the twist ending, but no one has been able to do it better. Bloomsbury has started to put out graphic novels based on Rod Serling’s original scripts. After Hours is a classic story about a shopper being left in a department store over night. If you thought manicans were creepy in the day, imagine what they are like at night, all alone in the dark… Because the scariness of these stories are more psychological then visual, these titles are perfect for all ages, as well as for slumber parties.
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About Lori Henderson
Lori Henderson is a mother of two teenage daughters and an avid reader. She blogs about manga at her personal blog Manga Xanadu as well as contributing and editing for Manga Village. She blogs about all things fandom (mainly Doctor Who) at her other personal blog Fangirl Xanadu. She's been at it so for over 5 years now and counting!
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